Routt National Forest, CO

July 17

We headed out toward Routt National Forest, a quick overnight stop on our way to Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado. Along the way in Craig, CO we were finally able to stock up on some groceries.

We pulled into Dumont Lake Campground after 186 miles. The campground is in a very pretty location, tall evergreens and wide open, alpine wildflower meadows. We wasted about an hour trying to find a level enough campsite in the shade of some trees. As we were staying only one night we didn’t want to unhitch the camper. We didn’t have enough leveling boards to make it work so we finally gave up and selected a more level site in the middle of the meadow. We couldn’t believe the lush meadows with such an amazing variety of wildflowers: tall, short, red, blue, yellow, white, pink, purple.

A thunderstorm threatened but didn’t deposit much rain. After dinner we took a quick walk over to pretty Dumont Lake that was adjacent to the campground. The campground host said there had been a bear sighting a few nights ago. Unfortunately, we didn’t see one.

Who would have thought there would be a strong cell signal in a little campground in the middle of Routt NF at 9500 ft elevation? Esther managed to get caught up on some of her uploads.

There we quite a few mosquitoes that tortured us during the night along with the oversensitive propane alarm at 12:30 in the morning.

Here are the pictures.

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